Best presentation award on Designer Track

Jedat Inc.



Best presentation award on Designer Track


We exhibited SX-Meister, Analog Cell Base Design Environment (AnaCell) , Power line Analysis for SoC / Memeory by PowerVolt
At Design Automation Conference held June 25-27 in San Francisco.

We are honored that we received the following paper at the designer track.
“Practical cell based analog design methodology (AnaCell)”
Designer Track Best Presentation / Back-End Design.

Please see the detail on DAC home page

The material can be downloaded from the following address.

Company & Press Contact

Nobuto Ono
Senior Manager, Business Development
Jedat Inc.
HSB Teppozu, 1-1-12, Minato, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0043 Japan
Tel : 81-3-6262-8401
Email : click here

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